Author Archives: Paul Bininda

About Paul Bininda

Academic degrees: Dipl. Inform (FH), Master of Systems Management; Position: Engineering Manager at SEKAS GmbH; Living in Taufkirchen, Germany (near Munich); Married to the perfect wife; Father of two sweet children

Syntax Highlighting and Printing

I installed a WordPress plugin for syntax highlighting of code blocks today. The plugin I installed uses JavaScript to do the highlighting and has a additional view source and print buttons, which is nice. Especially the view source button allows for easy cut and paste.

I also made the blog printer friendly by adding a special style sheet for printing. Good documentation for doing this can be found on the WordPress site.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
  href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print"
  href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/print.css" />

the print.css stylesheet looks like this:

body {background:white;
     margin:0 }
#sidebar { display:none }
#header { display:none }
.content-sidebar { display: none }
.next_previous_link { display: none }
.subscribe_comments { display: none }
.nr_comm { display: none }
.edit_content { display: none }
#content{ margin-left:0;
     width:auto }
.demo .red { color:black;
     font-weight:bold }
#content a { font-weight:bold;
     text-decoration:underline }
#content{ margin-left:0;
     width:auto }
#respond{ display: none }
#footer, .ad { display:none }
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after:avoid;
     page-break-inside:avoid }
h3 { margin-left:10px;
     padding-bottom:0px }
blockquote, table, pre { page-break-inside:avoid }
ul, ol, dl  { page-break-before:avoid }
img.centered { display: block;
     margin-left: auto;
     margin-right: auto; }
img.right { padding: 4px;
     margin: 0 0 2px 7px;
     display: inline; }
img.left { padding: 4px;
     margin: 0 7px 2px 0;
     display: inline; }
.right { float: right; }
.left { float: left }
img { page-break-inside:avoid;
     page-break-after:avoid; }


Today I listened to Episode 4 of This Week in Google. I followed the link in the show notes to Gina Trapanis tip of the week and installed the Firefox add-ons mentioned there. On her Smarterware blog I saw that I could log in using OpenID. On the OpenID website, they say:

Can’t remember your passwords? Tired of filling out registration forms?

OpenID is a safe, faster, and easier way to log in to web sites.

Sounds good, doesn’t it.

So now I am hosting my own OpenID identity on my web site using phpMyID and am starting to use it around the net.

I also installed the WordPress OpenID plugin on my blog. So now, anyone can log in to this blog or leave comments using OpenID.

Setting Up

This weekend I started setting up my first hosted website after acquiring three domains (, and I purchased the domains and Linux shared hosting through I despise their commercials but it seems, they provide good service at a reasonable price.

On the shared host, I installed WordPress and Joomla!. Both were very easy to set up using the “one click install” function of the godaddy hosting control center.

The WordPress blog seems very easy to use and maintain. I plan on using it as a diary of technical information. Christian Andritzky brought me onto that idea.

The Joomla! site is a completely different beast. The concepts are more difficult to grok. May be the problem is that I don’t have a clear plan for content yet.